
In light of the proposed changes to the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program announced last month, many current and prospective international students may be seeking more information. To help students better understand the PGWP, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions.

What is a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)?

The PGWP is an open work permit available to international students who have completed an eligible program of study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada. This permit is popular among those who come to Canada for education because the work experience gained through this permit can help them qualify for various pathways to permanent residency in Canada.

Who is eligible for a PGWP?

International students must meet the following criteria to be eligible for a PGWP. Students must have:

  • Completed a program of post-secondary education (academic, vocational, or professional training) of at least eight months in duration at an eligible DLI in Canada.

  • Obtained a degree, diploma, or certificate from the program.

  • Graduated from an eligible educational institution.

  • Maintained full-time student status in Canada for each academic term of the program during the PGWP application.

  • Received the following documents from their DLI: Transcript An official letter confirming they have met the requirements to complete their program of study.

How much does the PGWP cost?

The application fee for a PGWP is CAD 255.00. Applicants who need to restore their student status before applying for a PGWP must pay an additional CAD 379.00.

How long is the PGWP valid?

The validity of the PGWP depends on the type of program and its length. The specifics are as follows:

For all programs except master’s degree programs:

  • Programs shorter than 8 months: Not eligible for a PGWP.

  • Programs of 8 months or longer: The PGWP will be valid for a period matching the length of the completed program (e.g., a student who completes a 9-month program may receive a 9-month permit).

  • Programs of 2 years or longer: Eligible for a PGWP valid for up to 3 years.

  • Students who complete multiple eligible programs (each at least 8 months) can receive a PGWP with a validity equal to the combined length of the completed programs.

For master’s degree programs:

  • Note: This applies only to master’s degree programs, not to certificate or diploma programs.

  • Programs shorter than 8 months: Not eligible for a PGWP.

  • Programs of 8 months or longer: Students can apply for a 3-year PGWP, even if the program duration is less than 2 years.

Can you work before obtaining the PGWP?

If the following three conditions are met, PGWP applicants can work before receiving their permit:

  • The student was enrolled full-time in an eligible program at a DLI.

  • The student has completed their program of study.

  • The student has adhered to the permitted work hours (on-campus and off-campus). Note: Students whose PGWP application is denied must stop working immediately.

Can you leave Canada while waiting for the PGWP?

If PGWP applicants hold a valid visa or Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), they are free to travel in and out of Canada. Note: A study permit does not count as a visa and does not allow re-entry to Canada on its own. Upon returning to Canada, IRCC notes:

  • If the study permit is still valid, the PGWP applicant can return to Canada as a student.

  • If the applicant’s PGWP is approved while they are outside Canada, they can enter as a worker.

  • Applicants with a pending PGWP application can return as visitors.

  • Those returning as visitors are allowed to work without a permit while their application is being processed.

Are there specific jobs you can do with a PGWP?

According to IRCC, this depends on where the holder’s occupation information is listed on the PGWP.

  • If listed under Additional Information: The permit holder’s work field is unrestricted. They do not need to apply to change their work permit.

  • If listed under Conditions or Remarks/Observations: The permit holder must work in the field listed on the permit. Otherwise, to take up a different occupation, they must apply to change the conditions on their PGWP.

Are there specific locations where you can work with a PGWP?

Similar to the above, this depends on where the permit holder’s employment location information is listed on the PGWP.

  • If listed under Additional Information: The permit holder is free to work anywhere within Canada. In this case, there is no need to apply for a change to their work permit.

  • If listed under Conditions or Remarks/Observations: The permit holder must work at the specified location listed on their PGWP. Those wishing to work elsewhere must apply to change the conditions on their PGWP.

Can you change jobs while on a PGWP?

The PGWP is an open work permit. This means PGWP holders are free to change employers as long as they adhere to the restrictions listed on their permit. However, permit holders must be aware that only skilled work experience qualifies them for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) immigration program. Skilled work experience refers to jobs listed under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Can the PGWP be extended?

No, the PGWP is a one-time, non-renewable work permit issued to eligible international students.


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