
Intra Company Transfer Work immigration

Low requirements, short processing time, quick family landing

Program Advantages

  1. High cost–performance ratio
  2. Easy and quick application audit
  3. Low requirements, no residence and time limit
  4. Good welfare, free public education for children, work permit for spouse
  5. The whole family quickly landed in Canada

Applicant Requirements

  1. High school degree or above
  2. Certain economic base
  3. Be a senior management
  4. Work for overseas subsidiaries for at least one year
  5. Interested in settling outside Quebec

Parent company requirements

  1. Establish a subsidiary in Canada and send applicants to work
  2. Invest at least $100,000 in subsidiary
  3. Operate for more than 3 years
  4. A website with a Canadian office address


  1. Applicant Eligibility assessment and Signing the service agreement
  2. Apply for a Canada visitor visa for a business trip(optional)
  3. Complete a business plan and Register a company in Canada
  4. Application for Work Permit/Lease or purchase a site to start a business
  5. Submit immigration application/ Company normal operation
  6. Permanent Residence Approved

Fill out a Canadian Immigration Assessment Form today!